Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Jordy can swim

Jordy has just learnt how to swim in the swimming pool. So cute!

20 weeks Prego!

Finally starting to look pregnant! We've been for our 20-week ultrasound and the baby is doing really well. All positive signs so far and we even got a DVD to take home. One day our little one with be amazed at how "it" looked inside my womb. Our baby has started kicking a lot and saved Valentine's Day for daddy to feel "it" kicking for the first time.

12 week scan

Here is our baby's face at 12 weeks...

Pregnant in Paris

We found out that we're expecting a new addition to our fam flying 10,000 feet over Singapore on our way to the city of love, Paris. It was pretty amazing being pregnant in Paris on my birthday... could not have asked for anything more!

Backyard Reno

This was a labour of love... well maybe not love, but it was definately a labour. And we do LOVE the result.

Welcome to the Abrahams Blog

Ok, we are finally online with our blog. What's the point? Nothing really except fun. We have it and you might have some looking through our blog. Enjoy. Love Lee and Dan