Saturday 26 May 2007

35 weeks

35 weeks and ready for our baby to arrive!

Monday 21 May 2007

Baby Shower @ 34 weeks

What a wonderful day! It was really great to spend an afternoon with my fantastic friends who all made me feel very special indeed. It was really special having you all there... babies included! A BIG thank you to Lucy and my little sis Karene for organising such a perfect day eventhough we did not get to play all the games you organised because we were so busy chatting. Thanks to my beautiful mum, sis Jadie and all my buddies for your ongoing support through this amazing time in in my life. I'm so lucky to have such wonderful people around me... xx

Friday 18 May 2007

Our beautiful little darling

Our beautiful baby at 33 weeks. We love you!

Monday 14 May 2007

Mother's day

This year we decided to combine families and celebrate both mothers together! It was a funny night... and we were kicked out at the end for overstaying our welcome. I think they both like their earrings!

My little angel gave me the sweetest mother-to-be pressie. A gorgeous card and a visit for a 4D scan on Thursday where we get to see our little bubba in clear, non-grainy real-time photography. Apparently it's so clear you can see the features of our baby's face... how exciting! I can't wait to see our baby one last time before it's born! Thank you for such a gorgeous pressie... bubba and Dan! xx

Sunday 6 May 2007

Still swimming in May...

Only in Sydney could we be in the last month of autumn and still swimming at the beach! Dan and I found this awesome spot at MacKenzies Beach near Tamarama (that only appears for a very brief time once every 7 years) where you can take your dog, catch the sun and go for a swim off the rocks... well for some... not me... being heavily pregnant somewhat limits your ability to jump off rocks! I was happy to paddle merrily in the rock pools. Times have changed! Tummy is growing... can't believe that it can get any bigger but I have no doubt it will. 32 weeks now.

Jordy had a ball jumping off the rocks with daddy and swimming in the waves!