Tuesday, 28 August 2007

We still don't like the car...

...and we still love to sleep on mummy!

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Friday, 10 August 2007

7 weeks!

She is growing up too quickly... someone make the clock stop please. Dan and I believe we have it pretty good being parents to such a gorgeous little girl. She is sleeping for 8 hours at night now, then a quick feed and down for another 3. So I am getting a good (not great) amount of sleep at night. I know... I should go to bed earlier! I think Jordy also wants to be a baby. After I put Tyler on her playmat, Jordy goes and lies in it... so cute! Aah... my two babies!

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Tyler loves safty's present

Thanks Safty a.k.a Granny Av for the pressie!

What a beauty!

Tyler is smiling at her mummy and daddy now... not so easy to catch on camera though. She's a healthy 4.1 kilos and is so much more alert and curious. Can't believe how quickly the last few weeks have gone!