Tyler is one day off 9 months here. She's loving her rocking sheep, crawling all over the place and really picking up speed, plus she's showing a real sense of independence by only wanting to feed herself!
It's taken almost 3 months, but Ty is finally loving food (ever since I ditched the bland and welcomed mummy and daddy's food to the menu). Tyler absolutely loves toast with cheese, spaghetti bolognese (a true Abrahams!), beef stew and tuna risotto.
Tyler is almost 9 months now and I can't believe how quickly it has gone. People are already asking me when baby number 2 will arrive. For godsakes... hold your horses!!!!!!! Tyler weighs 8 kilos, is crawling properly now and has started talking as of two weeks ago. Her fave words are dada (cute!!!!!!!), meme (which we think is mama), and a whole lot more. She is the life of the party everywhere I take her -- always smiling at strangers and even flirting at times :)!!!! She laughs at strange sounds and is just the happiest baby. We will be starting swimming lessons soon which I know she will love and now that we're back home (finally!), I will start taking her to playgroup twice a week. She's dropped a sleep during the day and only needs two little naps now.