Thursday, 25 September 2008

Baby number two!

It's official! We're expecting our second little baby 15 April and are very excited. Here is the little one kicking away at 10.5 weeks.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Playing in the backyard

Water + splashing + mud = fun! We're 15 months now and a real little personality plus toddler we have on our hands! Here are a few snaps hanging out at home.

Sunday, 14 September 2008

Almost 15 months

Tyler is very confident on her feet and her walk has really picked up pace. She has also surprised mummy with her (very) new found interest in TV. The Wiggles and Baby Einstein are a hit and she often climbs onto her couch and points at the TV... "I'm ready to watch mum!" Thought for a while their we had a TV adverse child. Obviously not. Does such a thing exist?!
Spring has sprung and this warm weather is very exciting... we went to the beach yesterday and Ty had fun swimming and playing in the sand. Bring on summer!!

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Tyler's first trip to the aquarium

After the aquarium... Tyler and daddy had a ball chasing the train

Bye, bye train

Sydney Aquarium is amazing! There are so many colourful fish and scary sharks, and the glass underwater walkways are so cool. You get to walk right under sharks, stingrays and turtles. Tyler could not believe her eyes and wanted to touch everything she saw. Even the little penguins made her giddy with excitement. She had such a great time and so did mum and dad!