Luna Park, barbies, parties, meeting cousins, Wiggles concert, Dan's birthday, beaches -- so far it's been a great summer and the girls are having a ball with daddy home. Such a treat!
Our South African cousins and aunties - The Kupers, Heather and Jenny - came to visit and we had such a wonderful time getting to know our very special family who unfortunately live so far away. Such a shame we don't live closer as all the kids got on like a house on fire and it's quite sad that my kids are so far away from them all.
We're successfully toilet training Tyler (so far it's only been 1 week and she's got it!) and it's been so much easier than I imagined. I guess, once they get it it's easy. So far we've had few accidents and she's doing great. Very impressed with how quickly she's gotten it! Sienna's started crawling and she's a very talkative little thing with a huge personality. She can clap her hands and wave hello on cue too.