Sunday, 27 March 2011

art, craft and other stuff

Tyler 3.75 years and Sienna 23 months


Tyler dressed as Queen Esther for Purim 2011

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

March at our place

We got a new, big trampoline for the backyard and the girls are absolutely loving it (so is mummy!). We spend every afternoon out there and the girls have become amazingly good jumpers. I am teaching Tyler my old tricks and she's picking them up quickly. We've also bought a new sandpit and Sienna a new bike -- been in spending mode of late! Trying to soak up the last bit of sunshine before winter hits.

It's Sienna's birthday next month. I cannot believe our baby girl is turning 2. She literally blows me away every day. She's an amazing communicator - talking in sentences already and can count to 20, even 30 sometimes. She jumps, runs and can do anything her big sister can do. She loves singing and dancing around the house, and dressing up too. She's a little performer, just like her big sister!

Tyler makes my heart melt with her beauty and kindness. She is very much entranced in fairies and dress ups and has an amazing imagination. The things she dreams up when we're playing amaze me. We often play together pretending we are shopping, or in fairyland, or swimming and she really gets into character. She absolutely loves preschool and I have to drag her out there most days. She's made lots of friends and really is the belle of the ball - my little socialite.

They are the cutest little girls in the world and I feel blessed to be their mummy.

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