Tuesday 24 August 2010

August update

As the warmer weather rolls in we are enjoying picnics, parks and beaches yet again. Tyler is learning how to write her name and we are still trying to work out whether she is left or right handed (I think right) as she likes to swap her hands around. She's holding a pencil corrrectly and cutting with scissors too -- which means she's enjoying lots of craft time. Sienna is putting two words together now and has a massive vocabulary (EASILY over 50 words). She's started running which is hilarious as it looks like a combination of running and skipping. Both girls love reading and spend hours with their books on mummy and daddy's laps -- they love adventuring to the library and choosing their books (and destroying the place!). They love dancing to club music in the mornings while daddy gets dressed for work and Tyler especially loves the guitar. They have also a new hobby which drives me mad, banging on the table at dinner time together and laughing (see pics). They enjoy cooking us food in their make-believe kitchen. It's adorable how they always cook their favourite "lamb". Even Sienna says lamb now when I ask her what she wants for dinner. Sienna is 16 months and Tyler is 3.25 years x

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